General terms and conditions of use accepted by user and /or subscriber.

The subscriber, user and / or beneficiary (user) of any of the products or services offered under, acknowledges that they have read, sufficiently understood and freely accept the general terms and conditions provided for use and / or sale of products under or name, namely: Telco offers, among other products and services directly and / or through partners, allies or contractors- a digital platform through  (“website”) that aims to disseminate digital content on the internet or on the internet platform whereby a user purchases digital content to consume. in this sense, aims to integrate, offer digital content, being any content such as movies, series, videos, documentaries, music, games or any other electronic file with multimedia content, that can be accessed by the users through the platform that are transmitted via the internet or on the internet platform to computers, mobile devices, and other existing or existing devices, connected to the internet (mobile devices and / or connected to the internet); all at the discretion of the company. these terms and conditions of use govern the use and experience of the products and services offered under the product or service offered or to be offered by us especially - but not limited to it - to view digital content, including all the features and functionalities, website and user interfaces (ui), in addition to all the content and software associated with our service.



The following additional definitions are used in these terms and conditions of use: categories of digital content: including but not limited to any form of digital content such as digital content: in the context of this agreement, digital content shall be understood as any audio visual content such as movies, series, documentaries, videos, music, games or any other electronic file with multimedia content, made available by the service provider so that they it can be accessed by the users through the platform. subscription: the period of consumption of digital content on the part of the user and acquired through the platform. mobile operator or operator: telephone company that provides gsm services for users of mobile phones. payment gateway: is the entity responsible for the management, control, administration and sending of monetary transactions to providers. platform: is a digital platform developed, operated and personalised by us through the website, mobile device, mobile application or computer or any other type of device that offers a media and digital content management service offered by service providers and made available to the users, in subscription format. service provider or service: the natural persons or legal entities approved by us, who are dedicated, among other activities to the production, distribution and commercialization of audio visual digital content and who offer their products for viewing and consumption on the platform. Territory: region designed for the provision of services detailed in the these terms and conditions of use. third party or partner: partner of the company that distributes the promotional codes for use on the platform. user or final user: the person who access, browses and consumes the digital services and contents developed on the platform. website: collection of web pages located on an it network, which can be accessed via hypertext links.

Acceptance of the terms and conditions of use:


These terms and conditions of use, include the corresponding privacy policy, authorization of use for end user(s), about cookies and internet advertising, and govern the use of the service and experience of products offered under the brand by using, visiting, or browsing the company's products or services, you are agreeing and accepting these terms and conditions of use. if you do not agree with these terms and conditions of use, you must not use company's products or services. the company's services and products are provided and offered by Telco or one of its related companies. The company that is providing the service to you (called in these terms and conditions of use) and with which you are entering into this agreement, depends on the jurisdiction of the country from which our products or services are being offered. Check periodically, as the service provider may change from time to time.



Modification of the terms and conditions of use.


We may, from time to time, change these terms and conditions of use, including the privacy policy. Such changes will be effective immediately; however, for current users, such reviews will, unless otherwise indicated, be effective 30 days after publication. We will try to publish the previous versions (including the changes made) of the terms and conditions of use, if applicable, of the last 12 months. Privacy personally identifiable information is subject to our privacy policy, the terms and conditions of which are incorporated into this document, as an integral part of it. Please review our privacy policy to understand our practices. Preferences in communication. by using our products or services, you agree to receive some electronic communications sent by Telco. these communications may include sending messages to the email address indicated during registration, or publishing communications on our products or services, or on the your account or user page, from time to time, to configure the form of user access; they will include notices about your account (e.g., payment authorizations, package selection, change of password or payment method, confirmation emails/SMS and other information regarding transactions) that are part of your relationship with us. You agree that any notice, agreement, disclosure or other communication that we send you electronically will comply with the legal requirements applicable to communications that they provide, among other things that said communications must be made in writing. You should keep copies of electronic communications by printing them or saving an electronic copy. You also agree to receive some communications from us, such as news about new features, special offers, promotions, promotional announcements, advertising and customer surveys by email or by other means. if you no longer want us to send you non-transactional communications, simply follow the established or to be established procedure on the website to manage your communications with us. Please see our privacy policy for more details about our marketing communications.



Membership or subscription, free trials, billing and cancellation.


Access and security to access the platform it is necessary to register as a user creating an account. Access to, and registration on, the website is free. To register and create an account, the user must access and provide their registration data. The compulsory data that must be communicated to the platform are identified as such when the user registers. Users will also be able to register and subscribe via respective ussd (unstructured supplementary service data) subscription channels but will have to navigate to the website to access the service in addition, we may request data to ascertain your preferences and in this way we can offer you digital content of interest. To access certain services on the platform, the user may have to provide information. The user shall be responsible for ensuring that all information they provide to us is accurate and correct and up to date. the user is responsible for providing accurate and complete data and for updating these where necessary.  we reserves the right to check the data at any time and may request any data or additional document they consider relevant to verify the registration data.  the user may not choose for their user id on the platform any name they do not have the right to use or the name of another person with the intention of supplanting their identity. The user may not assign, sell or rent their account to any person without prior written consent. in the event that we determine that any of the registration data are incorrect or that you have violated these terms and conditions of use in any other manner, we reserve the right to suspend or cancel your account (with no compensation or refund, insofar as permitted by the applicable legislation) or to take other measures that may be necessary or appropriate.   in the event of disclosure of the username and password of the user, you must contact the following email to create a new password. The user may only maintain one account on the platform and may view the digital content from various authorized devices (iOS and android mobile, tablet, mobile, computer, etc.) accessing via the platform. The platform can be accessed through web browsers available on any authorized device (iOS and android mobile, tablet, mobile, computer smart TV, etc.), whether personal computers or mobile devices. An authorized device must be linked to a user account and allows for the viewing of the same content on two similar devices, simultaneously or otherwise. In the case of access by promotional code, this clause does not apply. to access the platform, use the service and access the digital content, the user must (i) comply with the legal age requirements stipulated in each territory/country where they reside (18 or older or 13 or older), (ii) have the capacity to subscribe a binding contract without current legislation preventing them from doing so, (iii) be resident in a country in which the service is available and (iv) accept the terms and conditions set out by the service providers in each case.  those minors who wish to use the service may only do so with the commitment, supervision and authorization of their parents or guardians. Some services and contents have a minimum age for users. [where a parent, guardian or legal representative grants permission for the use of the services on the part of a minor under the legal age permitted in each case, as the party responsible for the minor, they shall be responsible for authorizing and deciding upon the processing of their data under the terms provided for in the privacy policy. in any case, it shall be assumed that any accessing of the website by a minor has been expressly authorized in advance by their parents, guardians or legal representative. some services and contents have a minimum age for users.] where there are doubts regarding the accuracy of information supplied by the user (and in particular their age), or where third parties or other users communicate information that suggest there has been identity theft or false information supplied by the user regarding their identity, we may suspend access to the user account to carry out the necessary verifications. When we take such measures, we shall inform the user and explain the options they have to request a review, unless in doing so we expose ourselves or others to a legal liability. If parents, guardians or legal representatives of minors detect unauthorized processing of data they may submit their queries or complaints in writing to . By sharing the password for our products or services or by accepting others to access your account, the account holder assumes responsibility to ensure that users (related or not) observe the terms and conditions of use and the title you will be responsible for all the acts of such users.


Functioning of the platform


The users are personally responsible for configuring the IT and telecommunications resources necessary to access the platform and we shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that the platform is accessible twenty four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. User may access the website and create a user account free of charge.  however, to do make use of the services offered through the platform; they will need to purchase a subscription plan. After purchasing a subscription, they will access the list of services and digital content offered by the service provider through the platform. They may also redeem promotional coupons to view the digital content offered or linked with a promotion. In this case the user accepts and recognizes that the digital content offered on the platform depends on the service provider or a third party, which they must accept, and that we shall not be responsible for the availability and functioning of the digital content. The services are divided into different categories of multimedia files. These include but are not limited to: movies/series, video, music, games, etc. the platform allows the service providers to offer their products on the website. The platform shall contain the information corresponding to each service and digital content offered. Despite the fact that we facilitate the transactions through the platform, we assumes no responsibility relating to the digital content, nor does it act as representative of the service provider. The service provider is responsible for its products and for offering assistance as soon as user complains or with respect to any other matter relating to said contract between the service provider and user. The digital content advertised on the platform is the exclusive responsibility of the service providers, especially in relation to property, quality, security, origin, guarantee and compliance with applicable legislation. The user may only use the platform for the purposes established in these terms and conditions of use.


Purchase and billing


The purchase of content is completed through the platform and we reserve the right to amend the prices at any time. The user will be billed through their mobile operator bill. Upon purchasing a subscription, the user authorizes us to make the charge via their chosen payment method. We reserve the right to correct any error that arises during the billing process, even where the payment has already been requested or received. if we do not received the payment through the payment gateway, the user accepts to pay all sums owed on their billing account when required.  the user must provide up to date, complete and accurate information. changes to this data must be made under account configuration. If the payment method is rejected or is not available for us to charge the payment, the user authorizes us to charge through any other payment method associated with the account. The user will remain responsible for any unpaid sum. If we cannot charge a sum (for reasons such as the expiry of your payment method, insufficient funds or any other reason) and the user does not cancel their account, we may suspend access to the service until the debt is paid through a valid payment method.



Rules relating to content


Our products or services and the content accessed through our service are for personal, non-commercial use only. During your membership or subscription, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, and non-transferable license to access the platform for the purpose of viewing digital content via our service. Except for such a limited license, no rights or titles will transfer to you. Certain features of the platform are continually updated, including its content catalog, at our discretion. In addition, we regularly test various aspects of our service, including the website, user interfaces, service levels, plans, promotions and features, availability of digital content, delivery and prices. We reserve the right to include or exclude you from those tests without notice. We reserve the right, in our sole and complete discretion, to modify the way we offer products and services and their operation whenever we wish and without notice. You agree to use our products or services, including all features and functionality, in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, including limitations on public display or any other restrictions on the use of the service or its contents. you agree not to archive, download (except for the download necessary for your personal use), reproduce, distribute, modify, transmit, show, execute, reproduce, duplicate, publish, grant licenses, create derivative works based on products or services, or offer for sale, or use (except where explicitly authorized in these terms and conditions of use) content and information contained in or obtained from our platform without prior written consent of our or our licensors or content providers. You agree not to: 1. infringe upon or violate intellectual property law or any other right of any third party or us; 2. violate any law or regulation 3. Perform acts that are offensive, fraudulent, deceitful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, that incite hatred, are untrue, slanderous, pornographic or are questionable in any other manner, as determined at our discretion (“the questionable conduct”) 4. Put at risk the security of any account on the platform (such as allowing third parties to use their login credentials to access services), violate the security of any computer network or decrypt any password or security encryption code. 5. Use an email list, email server or any other form of automatic response or “spam” in the services, or interfere in any other manner with the adequate functioning of the service (including the overloading of the infrastructure of the services. 6. “track” or “extract” or download or compile in any other manner any page or part of the services or digital content whether my manual or automatic means). 7. Reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, market or resell the platform under any circumstances. Furthermore, the user may not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, market or resell the products of the platform under any circumstances, except where specifically authorized to do so through a separate agreement with the developer of a specific products. 8. Disassemble, apply inverse engineering or attempt in any other manner to obtain the source code or ideas or underlying data of the platform, the services or related to same. 9. Introduce code or product in any way or manipulate the content of our products or services; or use any method of analysis, extraction or data collection. Likewise, you agree not to upload, post, and email or transmit in any other way any material designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of the computer software. The availability of digital content to watch or play will change periodically and will vary by country. The image quality of digital content transmitted over the internet can vary from computer to computer, device to device, and can be affected by various factors, such as its location, available bandwidth, or the speed of your internet connection. All internet access charges will be at your expense. Ask your internet provider for information about possible data consumption charges for internet use. We make no representation or warranty regarding the quality of your viewing experience on your screen. The time it takes to start watching digital content will vary according to various factors, including where you are. The platform transmission software is developed by us and / or through partners, allies or contractors, and was designed to allow the transmission of content from us to existing or existing mobile devices and / or connected to the internet. This software may vary by device and medium, and functionality may also differ by device. By using our service, you acknowledge and agree to the end user license or limited authorization and fully and unrestricted authorize to receive, without more notice or notice, the updated software versions. If you do not agree to the above terms, do not use our service. We do not assume any liability or guarantee the performance of these devices, or compatibility with our service. By using our service, you agree to only use the manufacturer or seller of the device if you have any issues with the device or its compatibility with our products or services. In the event that your device is lost or stolen, disable it. If you do not log out or do not deactivate the device, subsequent users will be able to access the platform service through their account and may access some information from their account. To deactivate a device, follow the instructions on our website. We may terminate or restrict your use of our service without compensation or notice if we suspect that you or it is notorious that you (i) violate any of the terms and conditions of use or (ii) that you use the service illegally or improperly. members or subscribers or final beneficiaries of our products or services are solely responsible for limiting the level of maturity of digital content that can be seen by other members of your household (for example, available to your children). Members or subscribers or final beneficiaries of our products or services accept and acknowledge that part of digital content that will be available on the platform may be considered for adults only.


Disclaimer of warranties and limitations on liability


Our products or services and all content and associated software or any other features or functionality of our products or services are provided in the condition in which they are found, with no warranties and no warranties of any kind. We make no representation, statement or warranty that our products or services may be used without interruptions or errors. We expressly disclaim any responsibility for the use of the mobile and / or internet-connected applications, devices and software (among other things, regarding compatibility with our service). To the extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall the company, its subsidiaries and their shareholders, directors, executives, employees, partners, or licensors be liable to us or individuals or users. For any special, incidental, indirect or remote damages, or any damages arising. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain warranties or the limitation or exclusion of liability for certain types of damages. Therefore some of the limitations mentioned in this section may not affect you. Nothing in these terms will affect statutory and uncountable rights that apply to you. If any of the provisions of these terms and conditions of use is declared null, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and application of the remaining provisions will continue in full force.


Intellectual property


We and certain third parties hold all the rights, titles and interests to and for the platform and the products available there through, including, but not limited to, all intellectual property rights applicable to the products. The “intellectual property rights” refer to all rights existing by virtue of patent legislation, copyright, trade secret, trademark rights and unfair competition, and all other ownership right in force anywhere in the world. the user may not (nor should they allow a third party to): (a) copy, sell, grant license, distribute, transfer, create derivative works from the breakdown, perform inverse engineering, disassemble or, in any other way, attempt to obtain the source code of the products, except where permitted to do so under applicable legislation; (b) perform any action to circumvent or overrise the security or use regulations of the content provided, implement or apply any functionality of the products (including, but not limited to, the administration of digital rights or the resend function); (c) use products to access, copy, transfer, transcode or retransmit content in a manner that infringes any law or third party rights, nor (d) remove, conceal or alter the copyright warnings, registered trademark or other warnings of the rights of us or of a third party. • Copyright. The platform and services are protected by copyright, trade secret or other local or international intellectual property laws or treaties. • Brands. is a registered trademark or in the process of being registered by Techops Africa• patents Techops Africa, its allies or contractors have acquired rights to any patents that apply to the products or services. The authorization of the user to access the platform does not constitute any waiver, transmission, license or transfer, in full or in part, on the intellectual or industrial property rights on the part of the company or its subsidiaries or affiliates.


Law in force


For all members, subscribers or beneficiaries of the platform, these terms and conditions of use will be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Ghana, without prejudice to any provision of private international law. You may also be protected by consumer rights under the laws of your local jurisdiction. Application you may find third-party applications (including, but not limited to, websites, widgets, software, or other software products) (applications) that interact with our products or services. These applications can import data related to your platform account and activity, and also obtain data about you. These applications are provided information for your benefit or for the benefit of the best provision of services or offer of products, and we are not responsible for said applications. These applications are the property of or managed by third parties that are not related to or sponsored by us, and their use may not be authorized with our service in all countries. Use of an app is by your choice and at your own risk. use of the information presented: we has the right to use any comments, information, ideas, concepts, reviews or techniques or any other material contained in any communication you send us (return), including responses to questionnaires or publications through our products or services, including our products or services and user interfaces, without consideration, recognition or payment of any kind, for any purpose, such as the development, manufacture and marketing of products and the creation, modification or improvement of products or services of the company. Furthermore, you agree not to apply any moral standard in and to the return, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Please note that we do not accept unsolicited materials or ideas for its digital content, and is not responsible for the similarity between the content and programming of any medium with the materials or ideas transmitted by us. if you decide to send any unsolicited material or ideas, you do so with the understanding that you will not receive any consideration of any kind and waive any action against us or its related companies regarding the use of those materials and ideas, even if the material or idea used is significantly similar to the material or idea you presented. Customer service:  if you need assistance with your user account, you should go to the Telco website or call Telco customer care. There you can find answers to frequently asked questions and information about how to contact a customer support representative.


Domicile and special jurisdiction


• the member, user, beneficiary or subscriber and we agree that any difference, claim or controversy that arises, derived directly or indirectly from the platform, these terms and conditions of use and the privacy policies will be resolved in the courts of Ghana , which shall have exclusive jurisdiction. • in any case, the member, user, beneficiary or subscriber and we agree that any difference, claim or controversy that arises will be sought first through the friendly way and under principles of good faith, for which the parties are granted a period of 30 days from the receipt of the respective written notification. • The user and we agree that each one of them will file claims against the other party only in their own name, and not as actor or part of a group in a collective or representative action. Likewise, unless you and we agree otherwise, the court, court or competent judge, will not be able to accumulate the causes of more than one person with its cause nor will it be able to understand in any representative or collective action.